August, Hordes and No Quarter Given!

What a month for new toys!

Warhammer, Hordes and all the bits and gubbins a dwarf could ask for.

Usual round of magazines this month, the fantastic Wargames Illustrated leads with a ton of info on Blitzkreig, the long awaited and long anticipated Early War book for FoW. Buried away at the back of this months WI is a great article on the Battle of Marathon, a great read and far and away the best looking, best value hobby magazine out there. If you haven't ever picked up a copy or only have even a passing interest in historics, then believe that the £4.00 asking price is money well spent.

Miniature Wargames is to WI as WI is to White Dwarf :) This month the magazine that to me seems ideal for old school/older gamers (i.e. more words, less pictures...guess which I prefer) goes all out on the successors wars (the sequel to that film with Hannibal the Cannibal and Colin Farrel), a big guide to Britcon and some lovely Victorian SF coverage. Worth picking up, but not an essential purchase, unless like me you are making up for years of being skint by buying everything...

Now, No Quarter, a magazine I have bought since issue 1, new editor, new sections, basically a new magazine. I cannot recommend it enough for new or existing players, as well as a peek at some hordes units that will be in the books, but aren't in the main book, there's a fantastic tactica on playing Orboros. It just so happens that I'm building my very own Team Jacob at the moment and the article has made me rethink a lot, I had a lot wrong (nowt new there to be fair) and I'm heading back to the drawing board with that one.

White Dwarf is a disappointing read this month. I'm very underwhelmed with the new Daemon models, and have no intentions of doing a chaos army, so the content for me was more a matter of keeping up. It's been a while since White Dwarf had me excited, but rumours of Tomb Kings should restore my faith.

The large John Blanche section is always a treat, and is now a recurring theme...are they foreshadowing a departure? 4 whole pages are devoted to LOTR, a worrying decline in content, in keeping with patterns us grognards are used to by now. The standout feature this month was 'Eavy Metal...some fantastic tips in there for painting glows and deep layered looks. Next month they promise us "Isle of Blood"...I canna wait for that, I have no intentions of collecting either a High Elves or Skaven army, but its nice to have the option considering i'll be spending the cash anyway.

I also obtained a unit of Knights Exemplar and a unit of Knights Errant...and won my 1st League game thanks to stupidly overpowered Knights Exemplar...some Acid cloud jobbies allowed my exemplars to run into them and die, leaving one man at +5 STR/+5 ARM, charge a knocked down Asphyxious and stab him until he was redead. Even if that had failed, the errants have an ability that allows you to reallocate move one into the persistent effect..reallocate wound...out he pops and *thwip* magic crossbow time :)


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